• Medic First Aid Pediatric G2020 First Aid and Infant, Child, & Adult CPR

Medic First Aid Pediatric G2020 First Aid and Infant, Child, & Adult CPR

MEDIC First Aid Pediatric G2020 Adult\Child\Infant First Aid & CPR with AED. Complete the online blended program then attend a practical session.

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Availability: Contact us for booking information

MEDIC First Aid Pediatric G2020 Adult\Child\Infant First Aid & CPR with AED. Complete the online blended program then attend a practical session. 

Do you feel adequately prepared to render assistance to a child or infant in an emergency? If not, this course will give you the necessary skills to perform first aid and CPR.

The MEDIC First Aid Pediatric is designed to meet regulatory requirements for CPR and First Aid training for daycare providers, school personnel, bus drivers, and youth sport coaches.  This course also provides excellent training, skills, peace of mind, and preparedness for babysitters, neighborhood groups, parents, and grandparents.

MEDIC First Aid Pediatric is a video-based online course and instructor-supervised emergency medical response practical session. Our Pediatric program teaches appropriate emergency response skills, as well as prevention strategies for the care of infants and children. Adult care techniques are also included.

Pediatric Plus incorporates the use of AED into the CPR skills.

MEDIC First Aid Pediatric, Version G2015 Topics

♦ The First Aid Provider - Define, Recognize an Emergency, Personal Safety, Gloves, Legal Considerations, EMS

♦ Sudden Cardiac Arrest

♦ Basic CPR Skills

♦ Basic Life Support Care - Unresponsive and Breathing, Unresponsive and Not Breathing, Using an AED

♦ Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

♦ First Aid Assessment - Primary and Secondary Assessments

♦ Caring for Serious Injury - Bleeding, Head, Neck, Back, Shock Management, Swollen and Deformed Limbs

♦ Minor Injuries

♦ Burns

♦ Facial Injuries - Eyes, Nosebleeds, Injured Tooth

♦ Caring for Sudden Illness - Altered Mental Status, Stroke, Diabetic Emergencies, Seizures, Breathing Difficulty, Asthma, Severe Allergic Reactions, Pain/Pressure in Chest, Severe Abdominal Pain

♦ Poisoning

♦ Bites and Stings

♦ Environmental Emergencies - Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Hypothermia, and Frosbite

♦ Additional Considerations - Emergency Moves, Emotional Considerations

MEDIC First Aid Pediatric G2015 Course

Pediatric Plus G2020 (Pediatric First Aid and CPR - Adult/Child/Infant and AED practical session is Approximately 2 Hours

Note:  Contact us to set up your course. We offer individual and group sessions.

Before the course date students must:
1. Register for a class date. - Call us at (508) 651-0772 or email me at mark@massdiving.com
2. Once registered you will receive an e-mail within a few days for the online portion of the course.
3. Complete the online portion of the course before your class date.
4. Attend one of the practical application classes.

Price Includes: Online course, student materials, practical session, and eCard. 

Class Location: Medway, MA or I can travel to your facility. $20 travel fee may apply.

Age Requirement: There is no minimum age requirement. However, regardless of age, students must reasonably perform the required skills to receive a certification card.

MASS Diving Cancellation/Postponement Policy: In the event of a class cancellation by MASS Diving, the student can reschedule or receive a full refund on the instructional portion of the course. If a student cancels, they may reschedule their class or cancel and receive a refund with a 10% service fee.

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