• Enriched Air

Enriched Air "Nitrox"

Nitrox = more bottom time! This is our most popular specialty course. 

Starting from

Availability: In Stock

It is easy to get Nitrox certified. Just three simple steps.

  • Step 1. Email us for a Nitrox Course Code, contact us for payment, and we will set up a class for you and send you a code.
  • (Note: If a class is already set up on our website you are welcome to sign up online and we will send you a nitrox code for the online course.)
  • Step 2 Complete the PADI Online eLearning Course
  • Step 3. Attend the practical session at MASS Diving. No dives required.
  • (508) 651-0772 or email us

Why dive Nitrox?

  • 1. Safety - If used properly, Nitrox can add additional safety to your diving plan.
  • 2. Stay down longer - Since you take in less nitrogen, the no decompression dive limits are extended and you will be able to stay down longer provided you have the air supply. See table below for an example of maximum time limits using different Oxygen mixtures.
  • 3. Less tired at the end of a dive day - Some people have reported that they feel better and less fatigued at the end of a dive day.
Depth in Feet
Air Tables 21% O2
Using 32% O2
Using 36% O2
No Deco Limit
No Deco Limit
No Deco Limit
50 Feet
80 minutes
155 minutes
220 minutes
80 Feet
30 minutes
45 minutes 
55 minutes 

This course is designed to qualify recreational divers to use enriched air, "Nitrox", for no stop recreational diving. The program addresses the use of enriched air with 22 percent to 40 percent oxygen, with emphasis on the use of enriched air with 32 and 36 percent oxygen.

Prerequisites: Open Water Diver and 12 years of age or older.

Course Structure: Complete the PADI eLearning Nitrox program then set up a practical session at MASS Diving. Practical sessions will be set up on an individual basis and should last approximately one hour. Students will take a quick quiz to make sure they understand the material, will be shown our Nitrox system, and you will also learn how to analyze a Nitrox tank.

Things to bring: PADI eLearning completion certificate and Nitrox computer if you own one.

Tuition: $212

MASS Diving Cancellation/Postponement Policy: MASS Diving reserves the right to cancel or postpone a class due to weather, lightning, pool closing, or any other circumstance that may cause the course to be postponed. In the event of a class cancellation by MASS Diving, the student can reschedule the class. Students can change their practical session if needed. Once a code is given out, there are no refunds.

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